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Update example_05_ASCAT_deal_with_mising_files.ipynb

Rafael Abel requested to merge rafael-abel/examples:patch-1 into master

Do not know why the old version does not work, but with the current version of xarray on taurus it should work like:

infilled_data_set = raw_data_set.resample(dim="time",freq="1D")


other people can more easily reproduce it, if not a other branch is installed for the load procedure:

data_path = Path("/data/c2/TMdata/git_geomar_de_data/") data_set = "ASCAT" ref = "v1.x.x" full_path = data_path / data_set / ref / "data" / "Daily" / "Netcdf"

data_files_2016 = [str(fp) for fp in full_path.glob("2016/**/*.nc")] raw_data_set = xr.open_mfdataset(data_files_2016).isel(latitude=300, longitude=0)

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