Minor changes to Introduction text
Comment 1. Replace the word ‘change’ with ‘climate’ in the header.
Comment 2. Replace Workflow Description with the following Introduction and User Guide (feel free to modify the text as necessary):
The Climate Change Explorer allows a user to investigate the change of flood related climate variables, such as precipitation or soil moisture, over a region of interest under a changing climate.
To use the Climate Change Explorer:
- Define a Region of Interest (ROI). Drag-and-drop a shapefile (e.g. *.geojson) or Create polygon. [Click World button to activate.]
- Select climate dataset from the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) database. A predefined variable has been provided. Modify if needed. [Press Start to see which models are available]
- Create Ensembles of climate model projections. A predefined ensemble combination has been provided. Modify if needed.
- Select appropriate climate relevant time ranges. A predefined time and averaging range has been provided. Modify if needed.
- Press Analysis to initiate statistical analysis and plotting. Warning: Analysis can take some time.
- Download ROI climate data and plot._