update gerics dataset preset
derived from #250 (closed)
I usually have a hard time collecting the datasets and their urls.
@christine-nam it would be a great if you could help me with that task. You don't need an IDE, you can do the edits right in the gitlab editor.
We need the dataset name and the corresponding url, e.g.:
Name: cordex.output.EUR-11.MPI-CSC.MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR.historical.r1i1p1.REMO2009.v1.day.pr
URL: http://esgf1.dkrz.de/thredds/catalog/esgcet/28/cordex.output.EUR-11.MPI-CSC.MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR.historical.r1i1p1.REMO2009.v1.day.pr.v20160419.xml#cordex.output.EUR-11.MPI-CSC.MPI-M-MPI-ESM-LR.historical.r1i1p1.REMO2009.v1.day.pr.v20160419
File: ChangeWorkflowSettings.ts
You can directly edit here: https://git.geomar.de/digital-earth/de-flood-event-explorer/-/blob/262-update-gerics-dataset-preset/components/change/model/ChangeWorkflowSettings.ts#L62
Simply hit the blue 'Edit' button at the top and 'commit changes' to save your edits.