Enter formulas to compute on-the-fly new output variables
We want to be able to visualize new variables defined as functions of the output variables in the dataset by entering some standard mathematical formulas.
I also attach here a new dataset rt50.tar.gz coming from a 1D coupled reactive transport simulation with 50 grid elements and 57 time steps. In input we have just the spatial coordinate "x" and "time"; in output several variables: C, Ca, Cl, Mg, pH, Calcite and Dolomite.
Some examples of the formulas I would like to be able to compute:
- H = 10^-pH
- MgCa = Mg/Ca
- logMgCa = log10(MgCa)
- SI_Cc = log10(C x Ca/{100.8 x (4.69E-11 + H)})
and so on.
Edited by Marco De Lucia