deploy STA-Ingest API with backround jobs
The FROST STA Ingest API was recently changed to perform imports in the background using pythons celery (see
For this, the docker compose stack needs to be changed:
- add celery services
- celery worker to do the actual work
- celery flower WebApp to check on tasks
- celery beat for scheduled tasks (not used yet but no extra effort needed to deploy now)
- add redis service to be used by celery as broker and result backend
I will add the docker-compose.yml in a branch for this issue.
Testing the deployment locally on my dev laptop works. Testing it locally on geom-sctr-test fails with a 503 error for the /soop/API endpoint.
The current work-in-progress stack is located in this issues branch #1-deploy-sta-ingest-api-with-backround-jobs
as well as locally on geom-sctr-test:/docker/compose/soop-sta/docker-compose.yml_wip
Rolling back to the original docker stack (slightly adjusted for the changes in tne STA-ingest-API) does not resolve the 503.
So far, all changes were don locally on the server an no changes were made in ansible yet
fix 503 issue (simple restart of ha-proxy did not work) -
test stack locally on geom-sctr-test (docker-compose.yml in issue branch; stack for your leptop here ) -
if needed, adapt frost-ingest-api (current WIP in own branch ) -
if needed, add env vars to ansible
once this works, think about adding persistent storage for redis and creating an enpoint for the celery flower webapp.