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Das TOlle MAster Tool. Eine Software die verschiedene Workflows (IACUMAW für Bilddatenkuration und Management, Cucumber für CUDA-beschleunigte Tasks, die COMPASS/ROBUST MBES Processing tools) bündelt und einnfach verfügbar macht.
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Meta project for scientific_computing_infrastructure
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Digital Lab Book / The Digital Lab Book
European Union Public License 1.2Provenance Visualization and Management Tool for Immersive and Collaborative Visual Analytics
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dam / OSADCP_Toolbox
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Updated -
Markus Pahlow / oppla
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterOptimality-based plankton model
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Jupyter Notebooks to (semi) automate tasks with the sensor.awi.de API
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This repository contains source code for the g-cubed manuscript titled "Spontaneously exsolved free gas during major storms as an ephemeral gas source for pockmark formation".
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ARENA / Unreal Development / Windturbines_public
MIT LicenseUpdated -
underway / src / connectors / OsisUnderwayConnector
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseUpdated -
ARENA / Unreal Development / Archive / Rwth Vr Toolkit
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseUpdated -
Demo folder with state- and input files to test ParaView on Arena installation
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Digital Earth / de-synopsis-backend-module
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBackend module for the River Plume Workflow https://git.geomar.de/digital-earth/flood-event-explorer/fee-river-plume-workflow.
The User Manual is available under https://digital-earth.pages.geomar.de/flood-event-explorer/fee-river-plume-workflow/
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Digital Earth / de-similarity-backend-module
Apache License 2.0backend module wrapper for the flood similarity analysis methods
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